Basket and Checkout Efficiency

Here are 10 specific issues related to the entire checkout process (as opposed to any particular element or page, which will be dealt with in the next section), all of which are focused on making checkout simpler in one way or another:

1. Isolating the checkout
2. Stock management & session timing
3. Checkout steps
4. Form design
5. Navigation
6. Validation and error-trapping
7. Persistent summary of checkout information
8. Calls to action / submit buttons
9. Avoiding loss of information already entered
10. Trust by customers

Each of these elements need to be examined and analysed using best practice as well as scientific evidence supplied by analytical measurements. What is your current conversion rate? can it be higher?

With the economy going through a tough period, online retailers will need to fight for every cent. One surefire way of increasing profits is to focus on the usability of your checkout, since the average cart abandonment rate is reported to be around 60%. You dont see people going to your local supermarket and abandoning a full trolley at the checkout? Why do people do it online? Remove any barriers, risks, concerns, basically anything that can cause someone to say no.

Emarkable Digital marketing Framework run a usability test on your checkout process.

Usability Test


Is it complicated? Does it ask the minimum number of questions?

Is it safe? Address security concerns

Is it easy? Use consistent and standard form controls

Is it helpful? Place error messages next to the entries that need correcting

Is it clear? Once in the checkout, remove site-wide navigation and other distractions

Is it obvious? Ask questions in a logical order with the easy questions first

Is it assured? Confirm the order before and after submission

Can I get help? Address common questions and provide help

Respect your customers? Recognise loyal customers, can you nurture them with rewards?